Accompanying Research
The different theme complexes of “Smart Grid” technology in the joint project Smart Area Aachen requires a holistic view to find standardized solutions and ground breaking business models. It is realized in cooperation with STAWAG Netz GmbH, DKE and BET within the framework of the accompanying research.
Some objectives of the accompanying research are the examination and improvement of the complete system Smart Area Aachen. Another objective is the promotion of acceptance of innovative, intelligent and high-performance components to develop solutions for the trend towards decentralization in the local area. STAWAG ensures the transfer of knowledge between the topics grid planning, grid operation and maintenance. The mastery of these new topics is based on the application of innovative primary and secondary components including ICT (information and communication technology). In order to realize synergies, the exchange of field test data, content related adjustments and the cooperation between the partners are organized.
In cooperation with BET, bureau of energy economy and technical planning GmbH, possible business models are developed and evaluated from the perspective of grid operators. In addition to the possible profit from investing in smart grid components, the regulatory framework for investments is analyzed, and recommendations for a migration from existing distribution grids towards Smart Grids are developed. This will ensure the transferability of the results from the joint projects to today´s grids and maximize the field of application.
Nationwide-, Europe-wide and worldwide, Smart Grids are on top of the agenda in the standardization and standardization bodies. On the one hand, Smart Area Aachen wants to make its own contribution to current standardization and standards in the domain of smart grids. The actual research work leads to new impulses and ideas which are introduced by DKE as new concepts to standardization committees. Hereby, a sustainable knowledge assurance, a rapid implementation and a dissemination of innovations is pursued. On the other hand, current standardization bodies can make suggestions for the research work, i.e. report of Smart Grid Coordination Group to the standardization mandate M/490 „Smart Grids” by EU Commission. Under the heading of “development-attendant standardization”, a bidirectional knowledge transfer is pursued in the axis research project –standardization.